Last change: 2024–05–08
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To get a free Ultimate license! And to see the app in your native language, of course 🙂
Please contact us via email to obtain your license. This won't happen automatically.
Note: Languages without active translators, as well as any newly added strings, are automatically translated using machine translation, but are marked as incomplete and awaiting human review. These are not counted in the "percentage translated" statistics below - only human-reviewed translations are counted.
Original texts are completely in English.
These are placeholders for text that will be inserted at this position during app runtime. Never delete or change these placeholders! However, you can move them around the sentence freely as needed.
For example, %1$s
tells us this will be replaced with some other text during app runtime.
Digit 1
tells us it's the first placeholder; this is important if there are more than one in the same sentence.
Depending on context, placeholders should be rearranged in a sentence where appropriate.
Horizontal ellipsis is a special character …
and should never be replaced by three dots ...
See the difference? Ellipsis character looks (and sounds!) nicer and takes less space on the screen.
These represent codes which are just a reference to another text (i.e. string). Never alter these codes! Otherwise the app won't compile, and consequently the language won't be included in the next app release.